3 Quick Tips Guaranteed To Protect You From Phishing Attempts
Phishing is one of the most dangerous forms of identity theft. It’s usually presented in the form of pop-ups or spam emails. The majority of account takeovers come from simple phishing attacks where...

The Simplest, Most Effective Note-Taking Tip
This great tip comes from Karen Turner of Turner Efficiency in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u3JkllbuIU]Draw a line down your page so you can immediately...

Apple’s New iOS12 Will Include Screen Time, A Tool to Monitor Your Kids Time Spent Online
Coming in the fall of 2018, Apple has announced the release of iOS 12 for iPhones and iPads. The new operating system has been designed to greatly improve the user experience. It will be faster and...

Google Ready to Roll Out Mobile-First Indexing
For many business owners, Google’s announcement to switch over to mobile-first indexing comes as a real shocker. It’s a revolutionary thing to do in a world of disruptive technology. Since the...

Why Fort Lauderdale Businesses Need To Move To The Cloud
Moving to the cloud is for more than just file storage. Professionals enjoy the many benefits the cloud has to offer – and you can, too!

The Facts About GDPR Compliance
Tune into our complimentary GDPR training online. Watch our GDPR Training Video here. The rise of cybercrime has led to the increasing need for protecting data from these criminals. Countries all...

Best Email Apps For Small Business Owners Who Use iPhone
Communication is definitely made more accessible as a result of technology. Unlike previous years where people placed heavy reliance on letters and messengers, currently, people can communicate at...

Why Nonprofit Organizations Should Invest in Microsoft Office 365
Not-for-profit organizations frequently contend with the lack of time and money needed to afford large IT investments that are critical for achieving efficiency in their operations. The few...

Internet Security a Top Priority, Experts Claim
Experts in the tech world are giving their input on what is planned by state and local Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in terms of security for all of today’s technology. For so long, technology...

View and Publish Microsoft Planner Tasks in the New Outlook
With everyone so busy these days, people are searching for new ways to get more done and Microsoft Planner is an excellent tool for that. It allows teams and individuals to collaborate on any...

Russian Hackers Target Routers in 50 Countries
In a day and time when everyone is being super careful not to click on suspicious links, there’s a new threat lurking. Just about every home and office have a router. It’s an inconspicuous piece of...

How Managed Networks Can Deliver Better Wi-Fi Service
It’s one thing for a business to have installed Wi-Fi networks, but it’s another thing to ensure that the equipment is and will continue to work properly. This means the network should be able to...