Miller Wakes Up
Now, the IT researcher continued to stare into space, and nothing Mike could do could awaken him— until the officers settled down from the shock of the tour guide who found him, and subsequently disappeared himself. Finally, one young cop with an iPad and a uniform walked up and said: “Sir? You feel like you could answer some questions?”
Miller perked up like he had only been waiting to be asked. “Of course, officer! Sorry, I’m just shook up.”
“Do you know what happened to you?”
“Well, I came out this morning to do some fishing, heard a strange sound, and I blinked. When I opened my eyes, I was in the water,” Miller said.
“You said you came out this morning?”
Mike couldn’t help himself: “Miller, you been missing over a week!”
The young officer with the clipboard said: “Sir, if you could please let us conduct this interview.”
“Alright, alright…” Mike backed up.
The Journey “Home”
The interview was conducted, and after Miller answered the same questions about his abduction as well as his IT research role providing IT support in Fort Lauderdale and surrounding area half a dozen times, he was released on his own recognizance.
It was obvious the policemen were on edge about the seemingly magical tour guide who had come and gone, but there was nothing they could do about it. So, the officer with the mustache who had initially questioned Mike said: “We’ll be in touch, fellas,” and let them go.
On the ride back to the LAN Infotech offices, Miller said absolutely nothing and Mike began to feel uneasy. Entering the offices, Mike said: “Sorry, I need to grab some things and I’ll drop you by your house—”
“No,” Miller said, and smiled strangely.
“Mr. Jerry, I’ve been gone over a week. If I’m going to provide requisite cutting-edge research pertaining to IT support in Fort Lauderdale, I shall have to catch-up.”
“Look, that’s not strictly necessary—”
“We provide:
- On-Demand Support/Response
- Tech Fixed Right Initially
- Flat-Fee Services
- Expert Consultation
- Ongoing and Proactive Maintenance
- 24/7 Support and Fast Response Times
…and other things. If we are to remain cutting-edge, I must get back to work, Mr. Jerry!”
“Mr. Jerry?”
“Ha-HA!” Said Miller, turned, and walked to his office.
CEO Mike Jerry had never felt more uneasy in his life.
Stranger Things
The next morning things weren’t better. Miller’s office was surrounded by glass walls, and by the day’s start, he had covered almost every square inch in the strangest equations. The symbols didn’t look English— they were like somebody took Egyptian and threw it in a blender with Chinese and Cyrillic characters.
“Uploaded extra-dimensional film-flam expansion machine utilizing trans-temporal fulcrum sphere,” Miller was saying as Mike stepped in to check on him that day.
“You doin’ alright?” The CEO asked.
“Mmm? The Queen of England loves those aliens while the goblins dance the jig.”
“Okay then,” And Mike walked back to his office.

LAN Infotech is a Microsoft Cloud Services Provider, IT Managed Support company and a leader in helping law firms, nonprofits and medical organizations deploy cloud solutions, manage computer networks, keep data protected and top technology management company. Businesses like yours need technology support to run highly-effective organizations.