The Walls of Troy Cannot Stand Tall Forever – Why You Can’t Take Your IT Security For Granted
Hackers have taken a page from the book of Troy: they don’t try to break down your walls when they can instead slide a Trojan horse past your defenses. They’re sneaky like that. Their Helen is your...

Your Security Could Be Compromised Right Now, and You’d Never Even Know It
There are companies all across the United States and Canada unaware that they’ve become the victims of an elaborate cyberattack, and the longer they go without someone cleaning out and protecting...
Looking for a Fort Lauderdale IT Support Company That Hires the Best of the Best to Help You Meet Your IT Needs? Our Newest Regional Sales Director, Gary Ritter, Offers the Unbeatable Client Service & Strategic Planning You Deserve!
Lan Infotech is pleased to announce the latest addition to our team, Gary Ritter, who’s been hired as our Regional Sales Director! On Monday, September 8th, 2014, Gary Ritter joined our team of IT...

6 Groundbreaking Tips to Maintain Productivity in the Office
Over time, you may notice that you are being less productive at work. It’s a common problem and sometimes you need to change things up a bit. Knowing how you work and doing things differently can...

Going Credit Card Crazy: Protect Your Customers During the Holidays
It’s that time of year where the customer’s wallet doesn’t match what is going through the point of sale system. It’s just easier to put it all on their credit card; everything can be tracked...

SEO Trend Predictions for 2015: Helping You Stay One Step Ahead of the Ever-Changing Algorithms!
What worked for SEO practices just a couple years ago may not work next year in 2015. Keyword stuffing was once effective, and then search algorithms were changed to prevent this exploitation and it...

Businesses Are Dedicating More and More of Their Budgets to IT Expenses: Where Should Your Money Be Going?
Businesses are dedicating more and more of their budgets to IT expenses. With 2015 approaching, you may be wondering how much of your budget should go towards improving your tech infrastructure. And...

Urgent Warning: Microsoft Support Scammers Making Rounds – Don’t Become the Next Unsuspecting Victim!
In early 2010, many business professionals and home computer users fell victim to a fairly common fake computer problem scam, wherein hackers disguised themselves as Microsoft support technicians...

Tired of Using Your Phone in the Same Old Way? Here’s 4 Tips for Improving Your Android Experience!
So you’ve just purchased an Android phone? Or maybe you’re looking to improve your experience on an existing Android phone? There is a plethora of options you can change and apps you can add to...

A Handy Guide to Google’s Best Search Shortcuts to Make YOUR Day More Productive!
There’s more to Google Search than meets the eye. The capabilities of the world’s premier search engine are obscured by its deceptively simple layout: the average user may think that all that...

Want To Save Money On Your Next Vacation: Turn To The Internet For Help.
More than Just a Trend: Airbnb Offers Better Service and Lower Cost Compared to Traditional Lodging Vacations are expensive. A lot of families will try to save money by finding the cheapest motel...

Looking to Take Advantage of the Cloud? Your Healthcare Organization CAN Leverage Office 365 While Maintaining HIPAA Compliance!
Way back in 1996, Bill Clinton signed into law a piece of legislation titled the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This law set national standards for the electronic...