Three Reasons Why Law Firms In South Florida Should Seriously Consider DocuSign
DocuSign technology is used by seven of the ten top technology companies in the world, and it’s not hard to see why. The ability to sign documents remotely from any location can not only save a business owner a great deal of time and hassle but is also invaluable for anyone who needs to work remotely in light of the COVID-19 crisis. If your office isn’t already using DocuSign, the following are three reasons you may want to consider making the switch seriously.
DocuSign is a Vital Tool for Working from Home
Florida is currently one of the top ten states with the most COVID-19 infections. While businesses are slowly re-opening, you and others you work with may not feel comfortable leaving home for the foreseeable future. Alternatively, someone you are doing business with may live in a state that is not currently re-opening, and he or she may not be able to head out to the post office to pick up your signed document. It’s also worth noting that there is no guarantee that the coronavirus won’t hit again, bringing with it another business shutdown that forces everyone to switch back to working from home. You’ll need to be able to securely sign documents from home if you want to do business now and in the future, and DocuSign is the best tool for the job.
DocuSign can Save Office Space
Recent estimates show that a single file cabinet can take up to 17 feet of office space. Thankfully, you don’t have to continually invest in more file cabinets and office space to manage your growing business. DocuSign makes it easy for you to store files on an in-house, virtual, or cloud server. If you don’t have a suitable storage solution set up yet, an experienced managed IT service provider such as LAN Infotech can help you select the IT storage solution that best meets your needs and budget. As an added benefit, you’ll be able to easily find signed documents on your computer instead of having to look through cabinets to locate a particular document.
DocuSign Offers a High Level of Cybersecurity
You won’t have to worry about your digital documents being hacked by malicious third parties because DocuSign offers a high standard of cybersecurity to keep your valuable files safe. First of all, the company uses more than half a dozen authentication protocols to ensure the person who is signing the file is who he or she claims to be. Furthermore, all the pertinent information is embedded in a file that cannot be tampered with, and the platform has encryption protocols that prevent file breaches as your document is being sent to and from your computer. Additionally, DocuSign enables administrators to easily set user permissions and controls so that those who need to access the files can do so. In contrast, those who don’t need access aren’t able to view your files.
How to Optimize Your IT Set-up to Adapt to DocuSign Usage
DocuSign is a relatively easy tool to use, but you’ll need to adapt your IT set-up to accommodate your new operating style. You’ll want to set up a secure file storage option to keep your documents safe, and you’ll need an automated file back-up system to ensure your documents aren’t lost if your IT storage system is breached or damaged.
LAN Infotech is a Fort Lauderdale IT services company that has the tools, experience, and trained experts you need to help you get started using DocuSign. Get in touch with us at your convenience to learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment at your convenience.

LAN Infotech is a Microsoft Cloud Services Provider, IT Managed Support company and a leader in helping law firms, nonprofits and medical organizations deploy cloud solutions, manage computer networks, keep data protected and top technology management company. Businesses like yours need technology support to run highly-effective organizations.