Moving to the cloud is for more than just file storage. Professionals enjoy the many benefits the cloud has to offer – and you can, too!
Do you have a name for your laptop? I do – her name is Lucy. Because I have a red case and I love my laptop – no, really! I do love my Lucy!
Yesterday, I was at the airport to travel to a technology conference in Seattle. I was sitting in the terminal waiting for my flight, with Lucy open and powered up to help me catch up on emails with customers. After my inbox was under control, I moved on to other tasks and started updating a client record in my database with notes from a recent conversation and developed an extremely detailed proposal for a major project. Just a normal day in the life of a busy traveling professional, right?
Oh, how wrong I was…
Lucy froze. I waited, very patiently I might add. I tapped a few keys, I swiped my finger on my touchpad mouse and clicked my mouse keys, all in an effort to bring her out of what I fondly refer to as a temper tantrum. Lucy seemed to be in the midst of a pretty epic tantrum this time, and I was rather at a loss for what to expect. Normally, Lucy comes right back after a momentary “time out”, as I like to call these periodic situations, and today was no different – except for one key exception. Lucy came back to life, but my proposal was gone. No hint of the effort I’d put in for the last 90 minutes, as though those minutes didn’t happen. It’s like I’d spent that time unproductively wandering around the terminal browsing at the shops filled with magazines, neck pillows, (overpriced) batteries, and headphones. Had I stopped for a latte or a smoothie? Had I perused the newsstand for a Sports Illustrated? I might as well have!
What could have been…
No amount of patience or coaxing was bringing that proposal back. Never mind it was a doozy – I was on top of my game and felt confident I’d win the business and close the deal. Lucy, however, must have disagreed, for she chose that moment to make me question all the times I thought I’d saved my document. I could have sworn I’d clicked the icon of the disk in the application toolbar if only out of paranoia to avoid this exact scenario.
My heart pounding – and my fellow travelers now aware of my sudden and extreme frustration – I frantically searched Lucy’s hard drive for the file with anything close to the naming convention I was so sure I would have used. Exploring documents, folders, my desktop, even recently accessed files in my history in what I now recognize what was a fruitless attempt to seek out an invisible document – one that does not exist.
Nope. No luck.
“Lucy…you got some ‘splaining to do!” – how many times had I heard Desi Arnaz deliver that line on I Love Lucy? Well, I felt the pain of every time he muttered that statement in my single moment of despair!
I had no choice but to accept defeat for now and pack up, as my flight began boarding. There was still plenty of time to pull together a proposal – from scratch, again – and deliver, but I kept wondering what I might have done differently to prevent my predicament.
But instead of focusing on what I could have – and should have done – I boarded the plane and took my seat, and immediately began jotting down notes for the next iteration of the proposal – the better iteration, I told myself!
As the flight attendants began their safety instructions – you know, emergency exits and my seat cushion’s ability to be used as a flotation device – it hit me…
Saving the day
Why did I save the proposal to Lucy’s hard drive? Our team has access to our Microsoft Azure account!
Microsoft Azure is pretty amazing. Have you taken a look at their full suite of products yet? LAN Infotech is a Microsoft Cloud Service Provider in Fort Lauderdale that caters to companies in a variety of industries, including healthcare, legal, real estate, the nonprofit sector, and more. LAN Infotech is dedicated to helping organizations move to the cloud to significantly improve productivity and efficiency, including many processes like:
- Software
- Operating systems
- Applications
- Security
- Data
With the migration of these elements, businesses achieve more cost-efficient and simplified information architecture.
So, why move to the cloud with Microsoft Azure and LAN Infotech? Cloud services are designed to help organizations meet – and exceed – business challenges with online solutions. By moving to the cloud, access to assets from anywhere fulfills the promise of increased efficiency and productivity, but also offers the freedom to build, manage, and deploy applications on a massive, global network using your favorite tools and frameworks.
Success made simple
LAN Infotech’s cloud solutions specialists can guide your organization throughout your migration journey to guarantee a smooth transition. When professionals move to the cloud, teamwork is enhanced through increased collaboration due to the simplified nature of the network.
Microsoft Cloud Services Providers also provide more stable cloud solutions through managed services, offering customers predictable technology costs and offsetting the break/fix IT model. Cloud services that used to only be available to global enterprise organizations are now affordable options for small and medium businesses, as well, and offer the same benefits with a competitive edge with better IT budgeting and security enhancements that come with the Microsoft reputation.
By the way – my first step after the plane took off was to use a handy template from the library of Microsoft Azure resources for my proposal, so I didn’t start over entirely from scratch.
And yes – I did save that second proposal version to the cloud!
LAN Infotech can help businesses in Fort Lauderdale move to the cloud and set their own path to future success. See more about LAN Infotech’s cybersecurity expertise, and get updates on the latest technology news, too.

LAN Infotech is a Microsoft Cloud Services Provider, IT Managed Support company and a leader in helping law firms, nonprofits and medical organizations deploy cloud solutions, manage computer networks, keep data protected and top technology management company. Businesses like yours need technology support to run highly-effective organizations.