LAN InfoTech Hosting Channel Strong’s Positive Vibes Campaign
Public event March 23 in Ft. Lauderdale to benefit the Broward Partnership for the Homeless
LAN InfoTech has today publicly announced their commitment to hosting the seventh stop of the national Channel Strong tour event and food drive. This public and media event will be held in Fort Lauderdale on March 23, 2021.
Media groups and the public are invited to join the event which is being promoted as an outdoor and in-person (socially distanced and following CDC guidelines, of course) MSP community celebration! Besides face coverings, the public are asked to bring a registration ticket (printed or on mobile device) and two cans of food. It is an outdoor event that, for safety, requires prior registration at
The March 23rd Fort Lauderdale stop will benefit the Broward Partnership for the Homeless, a Fort Lauderdale organization committed to reducing homelessness by promoting independence and self-worth through advocacy, housing and comprehensive services.
This national Channel Strong event, known as the Positive Vibes Tour, was born out of Zoom fatigue and virtual event blandness, in an effort to give each community back the connection lost through remote working and COVID related seclusion.
Lan InfoTech’s March 23rd tour stop marks the seventh stop on the list consisting of six prior southern locations in Plano, Fort Worth, San Antonio and Houston, Texas, then New Orleans, LA and Tampa, FL. After the event March 23 in Fort Lauderdale, the tour will continue through Orlando and Jacksonville, Florida and coming to a close March 26th in Atlanta, GA.
The goal of this national tour event is to promote safe, in-person events that have been missing from all of our work calendars. This on the road experience by Channel Strong consists of picking a section of the country and planning 10 days of lunch, education and evening parking lot tailgate style networking events.
“Lan InfoTech is delighted to be a part of this monumental effort designed to give back to the community,” said Michael Goldstein, Founding Owner of Lan InfoTech. “We as a company share all of these concerns from the effects of a year with very little social interaction and the decrease in any community building, all the way through area homelessness and hunger issues.”
This event is part of the larger MSP Initiative, which is made up of a collective of smart people, great companies, and community contributors striving to build another avenue to bring the IT community together.
The public and media are invited to join Lan InfoTech, Channel Strong and the MSP Initiative for the March 23rd outdoor and in-person (socially distanced and following CDC guidelines) MSP community celebration!
For more information and to register, please refer to the following links:
Channel Strong Event Registration Page:
MSP Initiative Website:
Broward Partnership:
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About LAN InfoTech: ( LAN InfoTech is a Microsoft Cloud Services Provider, IT Managed Support company and a leader in helping law firms, nonprofits and medical organizations deploy cloud solutions, manage computer networks and keep data protected. Successful businesses rely on LAN InfoTech for enterprise technology support to optimally run their organizations and to leverage pro-growth, cost-effective technology services.

LAN Infotech is a Microsoft Cloud Services Provider, IT Managed Support company and a leader in helping law firms, nonprofits and medical organizations deploy cloud solutions, manage computer networks, keep data protected and top technology management company. Businesses like yours need technology support to run highly-effective organizations.