LAN Infotech Named On 2021’s MSSP Alert Top 200 Managed Security Services Providers List
Do you have cybersecurity experts on your side?
The Primary Threat To Today’s Businesses Is A Lack Of Cybersecurity Expertise
2020 was a banner year for cybercriminals.
The number of phishing emails and social engineering scams that use the COVID-19 pandemic as a topic represents the single largest thematic series of cybercrime attacks ever. From credential phishing and malicious attachments to business email compromise and fake landing pages, the coronavirus has been a veritable gold rush for cybercriminals.
That’s in addition to the many unrelated cybercrime attacks that took place, including when the US Government and numerous corporations around the world were hit by a devastating supply chain attack.
The point is that you can’t afford to overlook your cybersecurity.
However, even if you deployed all the necessary cybersecurity technologies, invested in all the necessary tools and solutions, and did everything you could to protect your business, you’d still be missing one thing — cybersecurity expertise.
Does your staff have the skills and experience needed to keep you protected?
Cybersecurity expertise is in high demand these days. As cybercrime continues to grow, and as businesses become more and more digital in their operations, cybersecurity becomes a much more critical priority. However, there’s only so much cybersecurity talent available to hire.
When you’re not sure if you have the skills or knowledge to get the job done, what can you do? Consult with cybersecurity professionals or partner with an MSSP.
What Is An MSSP?
When it comes to protecting against the ongoing, evolving cybersecurity threats in play today, managing cybersecurity is, understandably, a tall order. For you to effectively fill the role of an IT security company, you would need…
- The knowledge of how to select, configure, optimise and maintain increasingly complex IT security technologies. Do you have that kind of know-how?
- The time to both find vulnerabilities on an ongoing basis and respond to events as they occur. If you can’t afford to make cybersecurity your full-time job, then do you really think you can stay on top of it?
For all these reasons, it’s recommended that business owners simply outsource their cybersecurity for complete management by an IT company they can rely on — these companies are also known as Managed Security Services Providers (MSSPs).
In fact, whereas nearly a quarter of businesses in the Enterprise Communications Survey have already moved to a managed security model, nearly 45% have plans to do so within the next year.
How To Find The Right MSSP For You
You may be thinking you already know the right MSSP for your organization. But before you sign on the dotted line, you need to be sure they’re going to deliver everything you need.
While it’s certainly frustrating to have to do some homework before you sign an agreement, it’s vital that you make sure all your needs will be addressed before you make it official.
Even though you may have a contract that states and governs the managed services, your contract may still lack significant details – it’s better to check now and consider moving on, instead of finding out you’re not covered after you’ve locked into an agreement.
One direct way to separate the best from the rest is to consult After Nine’s Top MSSP List. Their rankings are based on MSSP Alert’s 2021 readership survey combined with the digital media site’s global editorial coverage of managed security services providers. The fifth annual list and research report track the managed security service market’s ongoing growth and evolution.
That means that After Nine’s has done the work for you — you can trust that LAN Infotech has the skills and experience to keep your business secure.
The LAN Infotech Approach To Cybersecurity
The LAN Infotech team believes the only way to effectively develop cybersecurity is through a fully managed approach that builds a culture of best practices, in combination with a range of carefully chosen technologies.
We can provide managed security solutions that address your company’s specific needs, and we can do so in a cost-effective manner. Don’t let your cybersecurity suffer, and don’t assume you have to handle it all on your own.
You can start improving your cybersecurity by getting in touch with our team.

LAN Infotech is a Microsoft Cloud Services Provider, IT Managed Support company and a leader in helping law firms, nonprofits and medical organizations deploy cloud solutions, manage computer networks, keep data protected and top technology management company. Businesses like yours need technology support to run highly-effective organizations.