We know Microsoft OneDrive is popular — Microsoft support in South Florida is necessary and present. In fact, OneDrive is one of the top cloud storage providers on the market. Over 85% of Fortune 500 companies use OneDrive, mostly due to its inclusion in Office 365. OneDrive Microsoft solutions for small South Florida businesses is a great deal. But how many companies are leveraging this powerful tool the way they should? How many use every aspect to efficiently run businesses? Let’s take a look at how businesses in South Florida can use OneDrive better.
Microsoft OneDrive for Business is an enterprise sync and share tool designed to provide the second-most cloud storage available today. Most South Florida businesses use OneDrive for document storage and sharing, but what else could they be doing with it? A lot, it turns out.
Flagging Documents
Documents in OneDrive can be flagged — they are then protected from sharing and marked as “unshareable” so end users cannot view them. Employees can put their own private or sensitive files on OneDrive without worrying about accidentally sharing them with a coworker or business associate. We don’t want that!
Increased Mobile Device Usability
Microsoft OneDrive’s compatibility, functionality, and design work very well with mobile devices; it’s now referred to as a device cloud. iPhones and Androids can automatically upload photos and videos to OneDrive’s camera roll, as well.
Sharing is one of the most important functions of OneDrive for South Florida businesses because of a few exemplary features described below. Take a look at these and you’ll instantly see the benefits they provide.
Expiration Dates on Sharing Links
Business documents can be highly sensitive, and a business’ internal documents should have expiration dates. Set whether editing is allowed on documents, then check “set expiration date.” When the settings fit the business needs, click or tap “copy.”
Permissions for Sharing Links
Sharing with the wrong person outside of a business could lead to viruses or worse. With OneDrive, a business can add permissions for employees, other companies, or colleagues. The business can also control those permissions tightly to prevent leaking sensitive information to parties outside the business — and that’s one important feature there.
External Sharing Governance
Share more easily with external business partners but still control that sharing n the IT department. IT can audit external sharing invitations and limit sharing for specific users while managing external sharing domains. Sensitive information needs to stay where it belongs.
Selective Syncing
Selective syncing is a great way to control syncing over a whole network. With OneDrive, a business can allow all users’ computers or devices to sync to the business files, or only certain computers or devices. This feature allows uploading or downloading of some OneDrive files without moving everything to another computer or laptop.
OneDrive is built for version control and collaboration. In a document, a business can see exactly who made changes and when. This ensures a version is the most recent. Another great way to use OneDrive for collaboration is to write and host an Excel survey. Save the live results to the OneDrive for Business library.
This machine-learning tool tracks relationships between documents and users, allowing a business to pull user content from OneDrive. Delve puts all the information a business needs at its fingertips without changing permissions or accidentally sharing permissions with people it doesn’t want to share with. Anyone in a business can click on a name or picture to see which documents that individual is working on. This is an extremely efficient way to audit your team projects, too.
All in all, OneDrive is an extremely efficient, cloud-based tool that provides Microsoft solutions for South Florida businesses, and can help with Fort Lauderdale IT support, as well. OneDrive has many other useful functions, and business needs vary from industry to industry. This tool is key for South Florida businesses, and LAN Infotech is a top Microsoft partner in South Florida. LAN Infotech can help a business with Microsoft Office 365, OneDrive, and Microsoft Azure. OneDrive for Business is another effective tool for leveraging Microsoft abilities in a business. Let LAN Infotech take your business to the next level with IT support and Microsoft OneDrive enterprise solutions, sit back, and watch OneDrive work for you as one of many Microsoft Solutions For South Florida Business.

LAN Infotech is a Microsoft Cloud Services Provider, IT Managed Support company and a leader in helping law firms, nonprofits and medical organizations deploy cloud solutions, manage computer networks, keep data protected and top technology management company. Businesses like yours need technology support to run highly-effective organizations.