What Are The 3 Pillars of Responsive IT Services?
Not sure if you should change IT companies? Or maybe you’re already planning to change, but aren’t sure how to find a better option? Make sure you look for these top three qualities.
Over the years, IT has gained a bad reputation – namely, that it just doesn’t work.
Whether it’s by accepting that the office printer will never really print what you want in the first try, or getting into a routine of power cycling the building’s router a couple times a day, users are so much more likely to work around ineffective technology than they are to try to fix it.
Why? Because it often seems like the easier option; the path of least resistance. Especially when the IT company responsible for the technology in question is less than helpful…
What Are The Top 3 Signs That You Need To Change IT Services?
- Unresponsive support.
There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to get in touch with the person handling your IT, and not being able to. Whether they leave the phone ringing or refuse to respond to emails and tickets, it’s simply unacceptable that those in charge of your technology can’t be reached for support. - Crippling Downtime
Whether it’s a slow server that won’t let you access shared company files or a buggy email client that leaves you unsure whether your messages are actually being sent, when your computers aren’t working, you’re not working. - Ineffective Solutions
Poorly maintained computers will often need quick fixes, handled by local repair shops for one-time fees. The problem is that while the hardware may work when you get it back from them, there’s no guarantee it’ll last for long. That means there’s no way of knowing how quickly you’ll have to go back to that same shop and pay for it to get fixed again.
What Are The Top 3 Questions To Ask IT Companies In Fort Lauderdale?
There are plenty of options when it comes to finding an IT company in Fort Lauderdale – how can you tell which is the right choice for you?
It’s not wise to just pick any IT services off the Internet because they’re the closest one to you in Fort Lauderdale. Do your research to find out if they are the right match for you.
The problem comes with the fact that there are so many IT companies these days and so it can be difficult to find the one that works best for your purposes. To help, make sure you’re asking the right questions when meeting with potential IT services providers:
- What Are Your Response Times?
This should be relatively easy for them to answer – either they offer a guaranteed response time as detailed in a contract, or they should at least be able to provide some form of data to show how quickly they handle real-life examples of support calls. Bonus if they have testimonials or case studies that show how they respond to their client’s needs, and what the results were.
- How Does Your Support System Work?
As a follow up to the previous question, you should find out how they receive, track, and follow-through on support requests. Do they have an online ticket system? A support email address? A 24/7 Help Desk, via chat or phone? Get specific so that you can actually envision what you would go through to file a support request.
- Are You Experienced With The Technologies We Use?
Even if they seem to have an effective and responsive support system, don’t settle just yet. You should also discuss the technologies you use every day, and ensure the company knows how to support them. Whether it’s QuickBooks or Microsoft Office 365 or something else, be sure to go over your needs in specific detail before making any deals. - Can You Meet Our Needs?
Lastly – and obviously – you’ll want to make sure the next IT company can make up for the shortcomings of the previous one. Whether it was responsive times in general, or a more specific need like more robust backup, make sure to confirm this capability before making your decision.
Once you have the answers you’re looking for, then you know you can make a confident and well-informed decision. The bottom line is that once you’ve chosen your new IT company, you don’t want to have to go through that process all over again next year.
This is precisely the quality of IT services that Lan InfoTech is proud to provide to our network of clients throughout Fort Lauderdale – responsive, effective services that meet their specific needs and keep them productive, simple as that.
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LAN Infotech is a Microsoft Cloud Services Provider, IT Managed Support company and a leader in helping law firms, nonprofits and medical organizations deploy cloud solutions, manage computer networks, keep data protected and top technology management company. Businesses like yours need technology support to run highly-effective organizations.