Have you been searching for great IT support in South Florida but keep coming up short?
That’s because a lot of companies out there don’t really want what’s best for you – they just want to make a quick buck. When you’re talking tech, some things may be hard to understand, and support teams use that to their advantage to leave out information. By knowing the right questions to ask you’ll ensure you get all the information you need to make the right choice.
What should your business in South Florida be asking when looking for a new IT support company?
How Skilled Are Your Technicians?
You need the right IT team on your side to help your business thrive. If they don’t understand the technology themselves or aren’t really looking to help, then you need a new support team. Our team is here to make sure the technology you have suits your unique industry needs. You deserve the finest services to streamline your work and improve quality of tasks.
Will We Be Kept in The Loop?
Nothing is more frustrating than being left in the dark. We know that the best way to ensure success is to have a great partnership – we’ll meet with you regularly to discuss your concerns, questions, and goals for the future. You’ll always be informed about what we’re doing with your system and we’re here around the clock to give you support when you need it.
Do You Offer a Guaranteed Response Time?
What good is IT support if they don’t deal with issues as soon as they come up? With today’s technology, a few minutes of downtime can do major damage. Hackers work quickly, and if you suffer a system breach you’re not just losing productivity and wages, but also your clients trust. We guarantee we’re here to deal with your issues as soon as they come up.
What’s Covered in Our Support Contract?
Did your current IT provider get you to sign a contract that ended up costing you more down the road? Many companies will try to leave important services out of their contracts so you spend more in the future. That’s why it’s crucial that you know exactly what is and isn’t going to be part of your deal.
Will Our Future Be Accounted For?
All the best services and support in the world won’t mean a thing if your business is compromised. Did your last IT team properly set you up for disaster or a system breach? We provide business continuity plans, so in the face of all the threats looming today, you stay protected. Your files and data will all be backed up and encrypted so they’re always accessible when you need them.
To get set up with an IT support team in Fort Lauderdale that will take care of all your technology needs, contact LAN Infotech at sales@laninfotech.com or by phone at (954) 717-1990.

LAN Infotech is a Microsoft Cloud Services Provider, IT Managed Support company and a leader in helping law firms, nonprofits and medical organizations deploy cloud solutions, manage computer networks, keep data protected and top technology management company. Businesses like yours need technology support to run highly-effective organizations.