What Are the Benefits of Outsourcing IT Services For Small Business?
There is a point in every small business’s lifecycle when technology becomes integral to the business. With some organizations, this could be the first day they are in existence — with others, it...

Should Law Firms Start Their Own Podcasts?
Podcasts are huge these days. Popular podcast Serial has been downloaded millions of times and has become a pop culture phenomenon right alongside other “did they really do it” series like...

Microsoft Excel Tip: How To Copy Cells In Microsoft Excel
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIaMU9_wFSc]Microsoft Excel is a staple program in Microsoft’s Office suite. It’s a powerful spreadsheet program that allows users to organize data and...

Are Healthcare Providers Slow To Embrace Digital Technologies?
Medical appointments and doctors’ visits are not enough. Patients want more contact with their healthcare providers, without necessarily needing to schedule more appointments and spend more time in...

Password Management: What Lawyers Must Know
Passwords are a problem. In one sense they are exactly the opposite of what they should be. They’re hard for users to remember but easy for intruders to guess or steal. The user frustrations with...

What Exactly Does A Managed IT Services Company Provide?
Running a business requires a great deal of focused attention. Unfortunately, when your technology team is spending a great deal of time dealing with login problems, software licensing,...

Top Criteria for Selecting the Best IT Support Company
Researching IT support companies can lead to confusion — and quite a headache! You may have started down the path of finding a technology partner due to internal frustrations or a lack of time to...

Are You Good at Saying No & Setting Priorities?
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNpOj244ML4] There are never enough hours in a day, but how you spend the hours that you do have can make all the difference in the world. Just think:...

Security Update: What’s PhishPoint?
The attack dubbed “PhishPoint” is a recent cyber-attack scheme being used by foreign hackers. It demonstrates the craftiness and the extent that cybercriminals will go to in order to harvest your...

Microsoft Office 365 For Your Nonprofit
Why Should Nonprofits In South Florida Use Office 365? Microsoft is committed to delivering technology solutions that are accessible and affordable for nonprofits in South Florida (actually...

Michigan Still Feeling The Pain Of Recent Ransomware Attack
With nearly a million patients affected, the recent ransomware attack on a Michigan healthcare billing services provider continues to cause waves in the industry. Close to a million Michiganders...

Why Reusing Passwords Is A Horrible Idea
No matter your profession, reusing passwords is a horrible idea. It’s dangerous and insecure. Reusing passwords is especially problematic for those working in fields like law, ones that require...