Customer Relationship Management Software (Research/Information)
Learn About Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM) Customer relationship management (CRM) software offers a full suite of solutions together in one program that helps manage data. A great...
Why do executives choose to bring in IT consultants to plan and enact business continuity strategies?
A business continuity plan is one that ensures continuous delivery of products and services to clients, especially after critical operations have ceased, as often happens after a major disaster. How...
Are IT Issues Ruining Your Workplace Productivity?
Studies conducted by CareerBuilder Harris Poll in the US showed that at least 22 minutes a day are wasted by an average worker dealing with IT-related issues. According to the poll, the leading...
What’s New in Microsoft Teams?
The July 2018 Microsoft Teams Updates [youtube]Microsoft Teams has quickly become one of the more popular chat-based workspace apps offered and it’s...
Microsoft Azure Just Got Better
The Microsoft Inspire 2018 partner conference is now behind us, but the new dawn that it marked for the company’s cloud computing service, Azure, has just begun. Of course, there was a lot that...
Low-Tech Ways to Protect Your Car From Being Stolen
Security for your automobile is so important today due to the current rise in car theft. It is necessary to protect your transportation from this threat. Your car represents a hefty financial...
URGENT! Google Chrome “HTTPS By Default D-Day” Is Today! (July 24, 2018)
Why the big hubbub over HTTPS?… Because from now on, users who visit HTTP sites will be hit with a BIG WARNING from Google. This will happen to anyone using Google Chrome version 68. Google warns...
iPhone Users: Don’t Run 11.4.1 Update
Are you using an iPhone or iPad? It may be worth it to hold off a few days before hitting that update button. Why? Reports are surfacing that after updating to #IOS 11.4.1 there are issues with app...
Save Valuable Laptop Battery Life (Tips/Tricks)
How Can You Keep Your Laptop Running Longer? Getting work done in the airport or other remote location where you can’t find a spare plug to recharge your “dying” laptop can be tricky. Battery power...
What Can IT Consulting Firms Tell Me About Microsoft Azure? (Stats/Figures)
If you are not familiar with Microsoft Azure, it is a Microsoft created cloud computing service. You can deploy, test, build and manage applications and services. All of this is done using Microsoft-managed data centers, through their global network.
Microsoft Office 2016 Secrets? (Tips & Tricks)
Microsoft Office 2016 is now using artificial intelligence to make your life easier. MS has added AI to their platforms with their new Smart Lookup feature. This makes fact-finding much easier as...
How Can I Extend My iPhone’s Battery Life?
6 Tips To Better Battery Life In iOS 11.4 [youtube]Are you frustrated because your iPhone’s battery isn’t lasting as long since you upgraded to iOS 11.4?...