Why Nonprofit Organizations Should Invest in Microsoft Office 365
Not-for-profit organizations frequently contend with the lack of time and money needed to afford large IT investments that are critical for achieving efficiency in their operations. The few...

Internet Security a Top Priority, Experts Claim
Experts in the tech world are giving their input on what is planned by state and local Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in terms of security for all of today’s technology. For so long, technology...

View and Publish Microsoft Planner Tasks in the New Outlook
With everyone so busy these days, people are searching for new ways to get more done and Microsoft Planner is an excellent tool for that. It allows teams and individuals to collaborate on any...

Russian Hackers Target Routers in 50 Countries
In a day and time when everyone is being super careful not to click on suspicious links, there’s a new threat lurking. Just about every home and office have a router. It’s an inconspicuous piece of...

How Managed Networks Can Deliver Better Wi-Fi Service
It’s one thing for a business to have installed Wi-Fi networks, but it’s another thing to ensure that the equipment is and will continue to work properly. This means the network should be able to...

FBI Issues Warning
As you may be aware, the FBI issued a warning last week about a malware botnet called VPNFilter. This malware originated in Russia and attacks “consumer-grade” routers typically purchased from...

Remember Why We Celebrate Memorial Day
When we think of Memorial Day, we have visions of parades, going to the beach, enjoying a picnic in the park, or gathering with family and friends for a barbeque. But, as most of us know, this is a...

Today is the day…doing business in the EU? You need to be compliant with GDPR. Watch our informative GDPR training online today. The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) have made headlines...

Non-Profit Digital Developments for 2018
Succeeding in a non-profit organization in this day and time requires unique strategies. Technology is advancing at ever-increasing speeds and challenges even the best organizations on every level....

Better Get Ready – The GDPR Goes Into Effect Today!
What Is It? What Do We Need To Know? What Should We Do? [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iyUGLBPuBo]If you don’t know what the GDPR is, and if you’re not ready for it, you’re going to get...

LAN InfoTech Named 2018 Business Of The Year By Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber Of Commerce
LAN Infotech was established to make a difference in our South Florida community. We help our clients achieve success and grow their businesses. We do this by providing them just the right technology to make their jobs easier and to help their employees be more productive. We believe that technology should be seamless and second nature.

2018 Security Breaches Indicate That Cybercrime Is On The Rise
Cyber breaches have become the norm across the United States and in many parts of the world. Regardless of the size of your company or your budget for security, your company could be at risk. This...