Each week, we get calls from attorneys who are ready to change IT service providers. The reason? They signed up for professional managed services but aren’t getting what was promised.
Ft. Lauderdale Attorneys Are Exasperated With Their Current IT Services Provider
So, what’s the story? Busy attorneys understand that they need the best technology in order to compete with other law firms. And they’re often paying top dollar for these IT services. But sadly, they just aren’t getting their money’s worth.
Sonia Miller-Van Oort of Sapientia Law Group in Minneapolis spoke about this at the ABA Techshow in 2017:
“The best way to utilize technology is to create a detailed plan that forces a lawyer or law firm to be introspective and honest about their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their expectations for how technology can improve their practices. Unfortunately, most lawyers lack the time or foresight to be able to do this… Lawyers are constantly reacting because we’re always so busy…It’s hard to stop reacting and be proactive in your approach. It’s really easy to just hope that your existing technology will magically fix itself, but that’s not going to happen.”
South Florida Law Firms are complaining: “We’re not getting the right answers from our IT Company on important questions.”
- Why isn’t anyone being proactive about our IT technology?
- Why isn’t anyone communicating about our IT infrastructure issues?
- What is Microsoft Office 365 and is it right for our law firm?
- When will our quarterly meetings be held?
- Why are we getting incomplete IT reports? We need more thorough explanations in plain English that we can understand.
What are the right answers to these 5 questions?
- Why isn’t anyone being proactive about our IT technology?
Your IT provider should stay on top of your IT assets. From 24/7 remote monitoring to expert support, they must be able to detect any potential issues and resolve them right away.
- Why isn’t anyone communicating about our IT infrastructure issues?
You need to know what’s going on at all times with your IT infrastructure. When you can’t contact clients, get accurate billing, and access important documents, you lose money. Your IT service company in Ft. Lauderdale should make it their priority to ensure your IT infrastructure is working optimally at all times.
- What is Microsoft Office 365 and is it right for our law firm?
Microsoft Office 365 is a subscription-based online suite that provides access to services and software. It offers an email solution with a 25GB mailbox and spam filter. Office 365 includes online versions of Microsoft Office such as Word, PowerPoint, Lync, and Excel. In addition, an online document storage option is available to store your important documents securely.
Office 365 is designed to provide connectivity and productivity features that your law firm needs to remain competitive in today’s evolving technology market. There are a variety of plans you can choose from.
- When will quarterly meetings be held?
Your IT company should provide complimentary quarterly IT summaries. This is a “plain-English” report that reveals the condition of each component in your system and whether any updates or changes are required based on your needs. They should make recommendations for an improved organizational IT design so you can pursue new market opportunities and overcome business challenges through updated, value-based technologies.
During your meeting, ask about a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan. With storms and floods in South Florida, you need to know that you can continue doing business no matter what.
- Why are we getting incomplete IT reports? We need more thorough explanations in plain English that we can understand.
All reports concerning your IT resources should clearly outline the status of your technology. Make sure your IT service provider relays everything using clear and plain language that your staff can comprehend.
Are You Frustrated With Your Current IT Provider?
It’s easy to see why you could be. If this sounds like you, then we have a suggestion…
You need an IT provider who will conduct a detailed analysis of insufficiencies in your technology, and then talk to you about what solutions can be used to resolve them.
You need a reliable Legal IT Strategist who knows what it takes to survive in the South Florida legal world as far as technology goes—One who will help you comply with industry regulations and map out a plan to support your long-term technology requirements.
Your IT service company should manage your technology investments while reducing costs. If you need to replace obsolete IT solutions, they should help you choose the right hardware and software and get the best prices.
With professional guidance and a sound IT strategy, you can give your clients the top-notch legal services they deserve. This will help you build your reputation and compete with the larger law firms in Ft. Lauderdale.
What Should You Do?
If you’re ready to grow your legal practice, then you’ll need the best IT services and equipment available. But can you really afford this? You can when you work with LAN Infotech.
We’ll put together a Strategic Technology Plan for your law practice that outlines where you are today and where you’re headed. We’ll include professional guidance on the types of technology that will best fit your firm.
If you’re frustrated due to poor communications, lack of strategic planning, proactive support, and other issues, give our Legal IT Experts a call. We can visit your office and explain how getting excellent IT support and service will work to help your South Florida law firm succeed.
For a free assessment of your IT needs, contact LAN Infotech by calling (954)717-1990 or by emailing sales@laninfotec1dev.wpengine.com.
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LAN Infotech is a Microsoft Cloud Services Provider, IT Managed Support company and a leader in helping law firms, nonprofits and medical organizations deploy cloud solutions, manage computer networks, keep data protected and top technology management company. Businesses like yours need technology support to run highly-effective organizations.