Not sure how to tell what’s marketing fluff and what’s real when it comes to South Florida IT companies? Take a look at the South Florida Business Journal’s 2019 Technology Awards, recognizing Lan Infotech as one of the Fastest-Growing Technology Companies in South Florida.
Capable IT Company In South Florida
The Lan Infotech team is excited to announce that we have been named to the South Florida Business Journal’s 2019 Technology Awards as one of the Fastest-Growing Technology Companies in South Florida.
We’re honored to be recognized for our efforts to grow our business, work with new clientele, and continue excelling in IT services delivery.
However, it’s entirely possible that you don’t really care about this award. Should it really mean anything to you?
Do Awards Like This Actually Matter?
Let’s be honest about this – what are awards like this actually worth?
It can be difficult to answer. From the consumer’s perspective, so many of these types of awards may just seem like industry insiders patting each other on the back.
After all, the Emmys, the Oscars, the Grammys… they don’t necessarily recognize the best work in their area of art every year. They more often a reflection of who spent the most money on marketing in order to win the award.
That’s why you’d be right to be skeptical about the inherent value of awards. Aren’t they just, at their core, a journal exchanging publicity with the businesses it’s recognizing?
Not necessarily.
Certainly, when the criteria for the award are vague or based on the ruling of a biased panel of judges, then, by all means, you can assume the award doesn’t mean much.
But in this case?
The South Florida Business Journal’s 2019 Technology Awards are based on verifiable and measurable facts. Those kinds of bona fides can’t be faked.
What Do The South Florida Business Journal’s 2019 Technology Awards Mean?
The difference between these awards and, say, the Oscars is that they actually recognize an achievement. The 2019 Technology Awards specifically recognize South Florida IT companies for their growth over a two-year period, with 25 companies separated into two distinctions:
- The first list features the top 10 companies by dollar revenue growth
- The second list features the top 15 companies by percentage growth over the two-year time frame
The point is that these awards are based on fact. It doesn’t matter how much we spend on marketing our growth to publications like the South Florida Business Journal – we’re either one of the top 25 fastest-growing IT companies in South Florida, or we’re not.
Why Should You Care About Awards Like These?
At its most simple, these awards help you find the IT companies in South Florida that you should consider working with.
The fact is that, whether you’re looking for your first outsourced South Florida IT company, or you’re looking to switch from one that’s not getting the job done, the process of doing so requires a fair bit of research.
After all, you don’t want to make this decision lightly. You need to find a South Florida IT company that is capable, knowledgeable, and cost-effective.
Paying attention to awards like the South Florida Business Journal’s 2019 Technology Awards allows you to focus on IT companies that have been highly successful in the last two years. The fact is that, if we weren’t good at what they do, or we weren’t worth the price we charge for service, then they wouldn’t have had this kind of success.
That’s how you know you can seriously consider working with Lan Infotech. We’re good at what we do – being named in the 2019 Technology Awards proves it.
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LAN Infotech is a Microsoft Cloud Services Provider, IT Managed Support company and a leader in helping law firms, nonprofits and medical organizations deploy cloud solutions, manage computer networks, keep data protected and top technology management company. Businesses like yours need technology support to run highly-effective organizations.