Ready to Take Your Business to New Heights?
Lan Infotech Has Been Awarded for Our Ability to Provide Cloud-Based IT Services & Support Designed to Promote Your Business Growth & Success! Lan Infotech, an award-winning computer support...

Critical Crypto Flaw in Microsoft SChannel Affects All Windows Software: Patch Your Systems ASAP! Don’t Wait Until It’s Exploited!
A few months ago Heartbleed, apparently named after a James Bond villain, was a security bug that made headlines even in major, non-tech focused publications. This well-known bug was a flaw in the...

Can Hackers Really Kill People By Remotely Manipulating Their Medical Devices?
Fans of Showtime’s Homeland are sure to remember one of the peaks of Season 2’s plotline in which (spoiler alert) Brody kills the Vice President of the United States by sneaking into the VP’s...

Starbucks: Bringing Motivation to YOUR Employees, One Coffee Delivered at a Time!
Starbucks has announced that it will be bringing major motivation to your employees, one coffee at a time! With the expansion of the business, it will be bringing great quality and amazing tasting...

5 Tips to Help You Experience the Evolution of Microsoft Office for Simplifying Your Workday
Microsoft Office is changing for the better. It has been revolutionized and helps you create the best looking documents, spreadsheets, presentations and advertisements for your business. Microsoft...

Does Your Hospital Take Advantage of Managed Wireless Services? If Not, You’re Missing Out on HUGE Bottom-Line Boosting, Life-Saving Benefits!
A more recent development is the establishment of managed wireless systems in hospitals and other healthcare organizations. By managed, we mean these systems are set up and maintained by a third...

Salute To The True Heroes!!!
On this Veterans Day, We would like to invite all of our clients to join us in thanking all the veterans that have so bravely put their lives on the line in defense of our country. When 11am rolls...

Lan Infotech Sponsors the Broward County Bar Association to Better Serve Law Firms & Solo Practitioners in Fort Lauderdale, FL
Enabling You to Focus on Your Clients While We Make IT Work for You! Lan Infotech takes great pride in sponsoring the Broward County Bar Association! The Broward County Bar Association, a nonprofit...

Windows 10, Coming Back to the Future
It’s what you need, it’s what you asked for and it is finally coming to a computer near you. When Windows 10 is released, there will be every reason you need to upgrade. Microsoft is coming back in...

OneDrive without Limits: Microsoft Upgrades Office 365 Cloud Storage Capacity from 1 TB to Unlimited
On a Monday, October 27th blog post, Microsoft announced that they are removing all OneDrive storage limits on Office 365 users. Previously, cloud storage space on OneDrive for Office 365 was capped...

5 Important Security Steps To Make Your Web Browser More Secure
Sometimes surfing the web is more like clinging to a piece of driftwood over shark-infested waters than it is relaxing on a boogie board off some warm island paradise. Every single day 20,000 to...

How the Cloud Will Launch Your Manufacturing Business Into the 21st Century?
Cloud-based technologies can impact every element of your manufacturing business from logistics and partner relations to sales and marketing. These tools are often met with skepticism because they...