Caution: Watch Out for Shellshock, the Latest Vulnerability That’s Spreading Rapidly!
Could Potentially Be More Dangerous Than the Infamous Heartbleed! A major vulnerability, CVE-2014-6271, has been spreading rapidly and impacting a wide range of businesses. CVE-2014-6271, also known...

Security Warning: Your Computer Systems May Be at Risk for Exploitation Due to the Dangerous “Bash” Vulnerability!
A major high severity vulnerability, CVE-2014-6271, has been spreading quickly and impacting a wide range of businesses! The vulnerability, also known as “bash,” involves a UNIX type command shell...

Important Notice to Healthcare Organizations: Complying With HIPAA Isn’t Enough – Are You In Compliance With MIPSA?
So you’ve heard of HIPAA, time and time again, but have you heard of the Medical Information Privacy and Security Act (MIPSA)? Since the enactment of MIPSA, the gaps in federal privacy law have been...

46% of Businesses Have Experienced a Data Leak Due to Consumer Grade File Syncing Services – Don’t Become Part of That Statistic!
In today’s increasingly mobile business environment, many employees use consumer grade file sync services to access and share files wherever they’re located; however, the adoption of consumer grade...

Apple Pulls Buggy Update – Wants Everyone To Roll Back
Yesterday, Apple did a complete 180 on their recent update to the iPhone and iPad Operating System. Just after a week of launching their iOS 8 update as part of their iPhone 6 release, Apple pulls...

Do You Have a Facebook Friend Who Clogs Up Your Newsfeed With Annoying Stuff?
We all have that one person on our friends-list. You know who I’m talking about – that person who posts everything including the kitchen sink to their Facebook page. Pictures of what they have for...

To Beat a Hacker, You Have to Think Like a Hacker
Watch out: There’s a hacker eyeing up your business. To him, it doesn’t matter that you’re not a big fish like Home Depot or Adobe – in fact, that’s what makes you such an appealing target. He hopes...

URGENT VIRUS ALERT: Google Ads Spreading Viruses
Don’t Fall Victim to the Latest Malicious Attack Spreading on the Internet – Keep Your Computers Up-to-Date or Face Costly Data Theft & Irreparable Reputational Damage! You’ve heard about the...

Microsoft Wants You To Be Safe! Do You Trust Them?
Computer, IT, and Network Security is a constant battle between the software developers and the hackers out there looking for ways to manipulate or exploit the vulnerabilities in their products....

Have You Upgraded to Apple iOS 8? Then Change These 7 Privacy Settings Immediately!
Privacy! Something that has almost disappeared in today’s online world. But it’s absolutely crucial to maintain as much electronic privacy as you can, especially when you’re running a business...

Do You Know How Easy It Is For Anyone to See Your Password?
Passwords – the necessary evil in the information technology world. If you have one that is simple, it will be easy to crack and just doesn’t seem safe. If you have one that’s safe and complex,...

5 Warning Signs That Your Computer Is About To Die!
Technology systems don’t last forever. No matter how good a computer or a server is, it will need to be fixed or replaced at some point down the road. Unfortunately that’s lead to some business...