Microsoft Forms Tips For South Florida Businesses
Launched in 2018, Microsoft Forms has gathered a wholesome following of those looking to create polls, surveys, and quizzes. When compared to other similar software, Forms has a cleaner and easier-to-navigate interface with seamless integration into other Office 365 apps like Teams.

What You Should Know About PCI Compliance
LAN Infotech works with organizations throughout Miami and Fort Lauderdale to ensure they meet PCI compliance standards. Speak with an expert today.

Don’t Ignore NIST for Your Technology Needs
NIST covers some pretty broad technology territory, and releases publications to address specific topics, like NIST 800-171, a special publication released in 2015 to address controlled unclassified information (CUI).

Why You Should Protect Your Data from the Dark Web
The dark web is truly mysterious and vague for most Internet users, mainly because the dark web isn’t a place where the average Internet user lands in regular Internet search results.

SaaS Security Issues Working From Home Uncovered
Cloud computing encompasses a wide array of computing services including SaaS, data storage, virtual servers, databases, and networking.

LAN Infotech Ranks #7 On SFBJ’s List Of Top Cloud Companies In South Florida
The team of IT innovators from LAN Infotech is proud to announce that they have been named in the top 25 best cloud computing companies in South Florida.

9 Tips to Start Meetings With Microsoft Teams
Do your employees have trouble collaborating? Does your business struggle with organization or perhaps effectively communicating?

LAN Infotech Named On The 2020 CRN® Fast Growth 150 List
LAN Infotech is proud to announce that CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company®, has named our company to its 2020 Fast Growth 150 list.

Pro Tips To Get Started With Microsoft Teams
Want some pro tips to getting started with Microsoft Teams? LAN Infotech has put together a few easy tips and tricks to get you started with Teams.

How Much Does Managed IT Services Cost In South Florida?
Discover the true cost of managed IT services in South Florida. Get information and facts from one of South Florida’s most trusted names in IT services.

Microsoft Find Time: Meeting Scheduling Made Simple
When’s the last time you wanted to book a team meeting with your co-workers? Did it go something like this?

Use Data Analytics for Competitive Advantage
Enterprises have lots of data that is necessary for various business actions and processes. With the right approach, you can use your business data for competitive advantage. It can help you improve your products and services to suit your customers’ needs.